Greetings all,
We continue to improve our projector site, and I just wanted to bring you up to speed on some of the new changes.
Also, I'm open to suggestions for further improvements - keep things modest though - I'm talking the site, not individual reviews, at this time. Please post any suggestions only to this particular blog page.
OK, let's talk about some new tabs found on the masthead (the top) of all pages.
We now have the first pull-down tab labeled Projector Reviews. There you will find the two "old" directories (each had their own tab) for review of projectors - the Home Theater Projector Reviews directory, and the Digital Projector Reviews directory. Those continue to list all appropriate reviews, by manufacturer and date. The Digital Projector directory, also, I must note, lists all reviews - including some blog reviews, screens, and accessories. Eventually we'll break out an accessories page as well.
The biggest change is the second tab from the left:
Projector Categories
This contains more than a dozen different "landing pages" they are descriptions of different major terms used in the industry to describe categories of projectors. 1080p projectors, LCD projectors, video projectors, pico projectors, school projectors, and the list goes on. These often seriously overlap each other, which makes you wonder why we have so many. Consider - not much difference between multimedia projector, video projector, and digital projector. Nor is there much difference between pico projector, mini projector, pocket projector, and handheld projector, if any. LED projectors however, originally were all pocket or pico projectors, now however, a number of bigger projectors are sporting LED light engines - so there are 5 ounce LED projectors, and also 10 and 40 pound LED projectors too, such as the Vivitek H9080FD (the first LED light source home theater projector under $20K) that we reviewed previously.
But, different folks type those different terms when searching, and these changes should make it a little easier for those using search engines to find our site, and, of course, information on these projectors!
There's more, though. Each of those landing pages does provide a good description of the term, and will show you pictures in rotation of a number of projectors that fit the category. You can click on those thumbnails of a projector, for a larger version and a bit of information on them, plus links to their reviews and more.
Of course we can't list all 1080p projectors (and show their images) on the 1080p landing page, as there would be many dozens. For that reason, our main directories are still there, as well as all our search functions found on the left column of the site.
We will try to keep the images updated to reflect the most current and interesting projectors, although as these landing pages are just coming on line, many show some projectors that are on their way out, as the new ones are just starting to ship.
Here's a link to a screen capture of the Projector Categories pull-down tab. (The image is too big to embed in the blog). I had selected LCoS projectors, so you can see some of the thumbnails, and the enlarge LG image. The basic description of that projector would be right below, with a link to the review. More info about LCoS projectors is found further below.
And that folks is about it, for now. Again, if you have any great, (but modest to implement?) suggestions, now is the time! Thanks! -art
PS. In the next two months also look for a redesign and improvement of our projector database. The end result should be both better, and better looking. I've never been happy with the database as laid out, so, we'll try to make better overall.