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Introducing our Technical Side of Home Theater and Projectors blog meister - Ron Jones

Visit Ron's blog, "Home Theater and Projectors: The Technical Side" now! Hi everyone, It's time for me to introduce another new blogger on our site.  Welcome Ron Jones, below he's provided a brief introduction to himself, and tomorrow I'll be posting his first serious blog on the technical side of projectors and related home theater. I've asked him to write a short intro, for me to post here.  After that, I want to tell you a bit about what we're up to, blog wise, and why Ron's starting to blog for us.   So, here's Ron: Greetings all: My name is Ron Jones and I am very pleased to have been invited by Art to contribute to Projector Reviews with a new blog focused on home theater video technology with an emphasis on new technologies, such as 3D, and associated issues/considerations.  My background is as an Electrical Engineer (MSEE) with 30+ years professional experience and as a home theater owner/enthusiast for 35+ years.  My home theaters have evolved through several generations of CRT front projectors to current micro-display digital projection technology.   I plan to start off the new blog with discussions on the transition to a 3D capable home theater and to the technologies involved. I hope to give readers an understanding of the unique factors, issues and limitations that need to be considered for creating a 3D enabled home theater.
As part of these 3D related discussions I'll touch on aspects of many things, including alternative technologies for providing 3D, screen selection, compatibility of 3D glasses, the role of HDMI 1.4a, and other technical aspects of creating a 3D enabled home theater.
And there you have it.  Ron's very focused on 3D at the moment, I've already read a draft of the blog that will post tomorrow, which is definitely 3D.  To clarify, though, Ron will be taking on a wide range of topics, of which 3D is but one.  I expect, though, that 3D will dominate his first month of blogs. Most of you know we  another new blog just a couple months ago, which looks at projectors for gaming, and other games related aspects.  I've got a plan, it seems, and that's to grow a small network of bloggers to blog on related topics, and get some critical mass, as I can only do so many reviews, write so many blogs, and answer comments.  As a result, I'm (working on building up a select group of blogs and bloggers tied together primarily by home theater, and especially projector related.  This could mean as many as 6 new blogs this year, and probably that many next year. I asked Ron Jones to blog for us, as he has the skills and background to take on some highly technical issues.   You all know me, I'm more of the subjective guy, techie at heart, but am more concerned about the bottom line - the end result, than the actual technical reasons. Enter Ron, who in the past, has been one of the more active folks in terms of commenting on my blog.  One thing I admire, is that when he sinks his teeth into a topic, he seems impressively thorough at examining it.   Ron, like me, happens to be very into 3D, but he's a detail guy.  I've been learning 3D as fast as I can for two years now, but Ron has consistantly managed to provide me helpful information, and he's corrected me, or provided more accurate explanations than mine, a number of times, which you can find on old blogs of mine.  I recall in particular his understanding of polarization issues as it concerns screens for 3D.  Until I met Ron (online), my assumption was that if you take two "non-3D" screens, such as the Stewart Studiotek 130, and the Carada Brilliant white.  Very similar doing 2D, similar gain, etc., they would likely behave fairly similarly.  Ron pointed out, and explained why, that one of those screens could end up producing an image easily twice as bright as the other, with 3D content, because they are very different in terms of polarization retention.  I learned, readers learned. Ron's been active at providing good additional info, occasionally correcting me, for quite some time, and I simply felt that giving him his own blog, letting him answer your comments, would be a real plus for the overall worth of Point is, he's into it, and has good stuff to share.  So, again, welcome Ron! Remember, his first real blog - technical, will be posted here tomorrow, BUT, that same blog will appear on his own blog sometime this weekend.  As soon as he's up and running with it on his blog, I'll pull down the version on my blog, and replace it with a link to his new blog (you will also be able to find a link on our homepage in the BLOGS section (left-center column). Over the next few months we're going to be expanding our social networking options.  So far, we've been pretty minimal, so look for lots of ways to pass on the word about our site and blogs to your friends. One last thing - we're going to launch still another new blog - next week, if all goes well.  That one will be a second one relating to the gaming world and projectors.  More info in my next introduction, probably right after the 4th. Hang in there, and enjoy the Fourth of July weekend (US), everyone else, hey, just enjoy!   -art

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