UPDATE: The full
1080p Home Theater Projector Comparison Report has been posted.
Greetings all,
OK, I've been getting emails asking when the report will be posted. I've got good news and bad. The good news is that I will publish Friday or Saturday (that tends to mean Saturday night). As is my tendency, each year the report gets bigger. It's pretty massive, and will include new sections to help people figure out which ones are best for their situation. One such section talks about which projectors are best for larger projector screens. Another deals with those only looking for movie viewing, and another for those planing on movies and lots of TV/HDTV and sports.
Of particular note there are a large number of side by side photos. I've had many of the mid-priced and higher projectors here for the duration, so there's plenty to look at.
Now for the bad news. I don't see how I can get everything done this week, so I'll post everything that's done, and keep adding.
That will include the opening section, the
Best In Class awards for each of the three categories. The three classes are:
Entry Level 1080p projectors - Below $2100
Mid-priced 1080p projectors - $2100 - $3500
Hi-end 1080p projectors - $3500 to $10,000
For placement into these groups I'm using my best determination of street pricing from authorized dealers at this time (3/09).
There's the image quality section, that's finished. There will be a General Performance section which I'm startin on in the morning. And so on.
There will, of course, be a number of head to head comparison articles, I'm figuring a dozen or more, but only a few will be ready at the time of publishing. The first one is written - the
Epson Home Cinema 6500UB vs. the Panasonic PT-AE3000.
One intention of this report is to make it easy to compare different projectors without having to constantly pop back and forth to the original reviews. For example, in the Image Quality section regarding Out of the Box Color, I take short quotes right out of the reviews, (such as: ""The X10 is very good out of the box. It's one of a relatively small percentage of projectors that many can enjoy without any adjustments." I usually add a couple of more lines as I feel it necessary.
Ok that's enough. Got to get back to the report. Hang in there! -art