What I really wanted to say, was "coming soon - to a website near you", but that made the title way to long. Yes, it's that time of the year. I only have two more 1080p projectors on my short list, to review. One is the new Sony VW40, and the other, one of the SIM2 projectors - an over $10,000 model. Sony just advised that the VPL-VW40 should arrive next Monday (just in the nick of time, to be reviewed, and make it into the Report, and SIM2, who had hoped to have a projector out to me already, can't give me a firm date. So, here's the plan:I'll work on the Sony VPL-VW40 review, and when that is finished, and posted, it will be full steam ahead on the full comparison report. The SIM2 loses out. I'm targeting mid-Feb, to release the finished report - sometime (hopefully early) during the week of Feb 17th. The new report will be similar to last year's but with a number of changes, that haven't been fully defined. I can tell you that the new tiers will be 1080p projectors under $4000, and over $4000, while last year $5000 was the separation. This makes sense since this year prices are definitely a bit lower. As was the case last year, I will publish a lot of "one on one" comparisons.Remember, this is a "report" not a multi-projector review. The whole point is that I will have reviewed most of the under $10,000 1080p home theater projectors, on the market (at least in the US). From what I have learned, the goal is to put them all in perspective for you. Projectors reviewed earliest on, may or may not fare as well as they did in their reviews, now that I have seen far more new 1080p projectors, some of which may have "raised the bar".Bottom line - it should all be done and posted in just about three weeks.Hang in there! -art