Greetings! OK, I'm back from a 2 week vacation - part of it at Lake Tahoe, a gorgeous place, looks even better than some of those HD videos.
I figure it's time to catch up, let you know what's going on around here. First some of you probably have noticed the site look has changes slightly - that's a wider center area for content, and a slightly narrower right (advertising) column. Then there's the color change (I always preferred blue, but "one of those other review sites" was using blue. Well, I'm tired of the old one, so blue it is. And for those of you with sharp eyes, you'll note that the background is that of a tensioned screen (with a ridiculous aspect ratio.)
More to come. You'll actually see a lot of new items, including a major redesign of the homepage. In addition we're building a database of press releases, with our additional comments. The most recent will be on the homepage. All considered we're trying to improve the navigation and the visitor experience, and we're not quite done yet. anyone wants to throw in their 2 cents, with possible improvements, now's the time, and commenting to this blog is the way.
NEXT - what's in the works projector wise.
A Pico Projector Comparison (Round-up) is in progress. Tony now has 4 Pico and Pocket projectors at his place with a couple more to arrive. He's handling the measurements, writing the primary reviews (with an occasional comment from me), and will pass all the gear, with recommendations, back to me. I'll then play with them as well. I'm primarily going to focus on the Projector Comparison writing. We hope to have that completed before the end of August.
While that's going on, I've got Mike just starting the core reviews on three low cost, single chip DLP projectors, that are 3D ready. We have more 3D gear coming in, including LightSpeed's Depth-Q which can be added to many projectors to make them 3D capable. I'm picking up a new computer geared for gaming, with a GeForce card, so we can also look at how they handle serious 3D games, including those hundreds (of games) that Nvidia GeForce cards can re-render into 3D on the fly. We have 3D education software to work with too. In fact, the biggest problem is home theater content.
Mike will spearhead the 3D review process, focusing on the low cost units. I'll handle the Lightspeed review. Tony will jump in, when he's done with the pico reviews. It's going to be a hellish 6 weeks before CEDIA, because after that, I have to clear the decks and focus myself completely on new home theater projectors. Tony and Mike will continue to turn out some biz/education, and other reviews.
And naturally, I'll be writing a report based on all that 3D reviewing, trying to put everything in perspective.
Meantime I have other projects as well, so some things will likely slip.
I'm in the midst of writing up the LG AF115 - an under $2500 LCoS projector - little brother to the CF181D reviewed earlier this year.
The review of the Screen Innovations Black Diamond 1.4 also needs to be written up. (The screen is already back in its box awaiting return to SI.
You may remember, I bitched about the Optoma HD8600's dynamic iris when I reviewed it. - well, they're sending me one with the latest firmware - with a reworked iris. I'll only have it for 48 hours, enough to see how much that iris improved. With an improved iris the HD8600 becomes a top contender. We shall see.
And I've got the Sanyo PLV-Z4000 inbound. Word is it's a Z3000 with minor changes. There shouldn't be any surprises with the Z4000, but I'm hoping for some subtle, but worthy improvements. And I've got a surprise projector inbound as well, but I'm under NDA (non-disclosure agreement) on that one, so "I could tell you which one it is, but I'd have to kill ya". Let's say it is the successor to one of my favorites... Sorry, that's all you get for now. -art