Greetings, just a quick couple of notes - folks. We had received an Optoma HD8600 to check out their new dynamic iris software, but the unit arrived apparently freight damaged. A replacement arrived today. I hope to post my findings by next tuesday, as to whether Optoma has tamed their occasionally annoying iris action. I sure hope so, because if it does, we have an excellent home theater projector, instead of a decent one.
Sanyo PLV-Z4000 Projector
I'm writing up the Sanyo review right now. If it wasn't for a very busy Labor Day (and birthday) weekend, I'd say look for it on Monday... Instead, I'm really going to try to have it posted this Friday night (tomorrow). Wish me luck...
BTW for those wondering why there's been no Sanyo PLV-Z4000 projector - First Look, that's easy. If you want a "first look" just read the old Sanyo PLV-Z3000 review. The Z4000 is an update. I assume a lot of firmware has been improved since we reviewed the Z3000. The Z4000 is essentially a "refined" product compared to the older model, but still very much the same.
I'll leave you with this thought. Both Mike and I agree, after he calibrated the Z4000, it does look better than the Z from the old review. We never could get rid of some yellow green shift with the older model, and so noted in the review. This PLV-Z4000 does not suffer the problem. Whether this is luck of the draw, or refinements in the color tables, etc. hard to say. I can merely report better looking, more accurate colors, especially skin tones.
OK enough.
My next review isn't really home theater, but it is the LightSpeed 3D solution, oeming an InFocus projector. Those interested in 3D for home will find a few tidbits there, and more in the 3D report of which part will be on home theater 3D...
I've also got one mystery projector in house, calibrated , which I'll start viewing in a few days. All I can say is that it is a 1080p projector, and you know the brand. Sorry, I'm under Non-Disclosure until right before CEDIA (Sept. 22nd.). I'm hoping they'll let me post the review a few days before the show opens...
That's the story for now. After CEDIA, of course, it will be one home theater projector review after another... hang in there! -art