I haven't sized the images I took yet, for adding to this review, but here's what I found, in a nutshell:
A very quick calibration ended up with a Brightness of -1, Contrast of +2
I used ISF Night (which seems to be - out of the box - the same as Normal, except for setting the temperature to 6500K. Gamma was set to 2.2.
Now, that's about as good as anyone can hope for out of the box! Quite honestly, I felt no compelling need to break out my test gear after first powering up the HD7100 and watching segments from several DVDs. It was obviously producing excellent color, untouched. Of course, there will be variation from projector to projector, mostly due to variations in the lamp. Also, a lamp's color balance will change slightly as you put hundreds of hours on it.
There was a very, very slight greenish cast to the image, I didn't manage to precisely work it all out (it was getting very late), but a quick adjustment of the White Balance table setting RGB adjusting Green Gain to -1, and Green Offset for -3 did most of the trick. Further refinement should have nailed it completely.
When I post the images you will see the R, G, and B components, which initially have R and B both in the mid 90% range and Green over 100% to offset it. With the -1 and -3, I quickly eliminated about 2/3 of the miss.
Even the slight green shift without adjustment really isn't noticeable when normally watching content. You have to be really looking for it, and have just the right content to notice.