All that said, when I described above that the Epson, in the photos is showing more pink/red, than is on the screen, that's a whole different matter related to the camera, etc.
One note. The Epson Home Cinema 5010 (and the other similar versions) all have a Cinema filter, as have all the 1080p Epson projectors before it, but one.
That one, is the new Epson Home Cinema 3010, Epson's entry level 3D projector at $1599. I mention because a reader just inquired how come the HC5010 loses about 2/3 brightness between "brightest mode" and "best mode", but the 3010 only loses about 25%?
The answer is surely that the HC3010 lacks the Cinema filter. Its drop from "brightest" - to "best" - is more in line with that of LCoS and DLP projectors which also have no "Cinema filter." If you want the best color from an LCD filter, it seems that almost all have such a filter, and that includes the Panasonic PT-AE7000 as well as these Epson projectors!