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AAXA Pico Projector - Physical Tour3

Posted on September 27, 2013 by Art Feierman

AAXA Pico L1 Brightness

Being that brightness in a projector is one of the most important features a projector can have, it should be noted that brightness is not a Pico projectors best feature. However, its purpose is not to wow large audiences with bright vibrant color, but instead to serve as a convenient tool to convey ideas to a small group. A small group being about 6 people at the most. Consider, that the image you will be projecting to get the most from this projector will be no larger than about 30 inches diagonal.

All that said, the AAXA claims 20 lumens of light output. Actual light output was around 11 lumens. A white image was used to measure the lument output. However, as stated in this review earlier, achieving a true white with the laser technology was not possible. It often had more of a light blue hue to it. The speckle effect also diminished the quality of the image quite a bit. I have posted again the picture showing how the projector performs when it comes to showing a portrait, however it is laid over an Exce spreadsheet that has a true white background.

The recommendation for this projector is to project in a very dark room and keep your image size small for best results. The 11 lumens measured just was not enough to support the max 84 inch diagonal image that the projector is capable of.


Althought the AAXA L1 has a little higher native resolution than most Pico projectors (800x600 pixels). Laser technology can sometimes give off at first glance a sharper image, but once you try and start reading smaller type you start to see sharpness degrade. Below is an image of the AAXA L1 displaying text of various sizes in an Excel spreadsheet. Large type is very readable, but as you start to view smaller type, the speckling in the image and overall lack of contrast make small text difficult to read.

The L1 does not have a focus so the image is as sharp close up as it is far away. There is no adjustment. Although a unique technology since it is always focused, the image suffers quite a bit since the laser technology seems to struggle compared to DLP LED lamp based Pico projectors.

Light Leakage

There is almost little to no light leakage. The buttons only light up for a few seconds while navigating around the projectors features and very little light leaks through other open areas of the projector.

Audible Noise

Sound coming from the projector is virtually no issue. Although some Picos have cooling units, they are so quiet that you hardly can tell the projector is making any noise at all.

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